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SEO vs local SEO which strategy is right for your business

Why do you think appearing on a search engine's first page matters to any business?

Any layman would answer that it helps you get better clicks on your website, and people get educated about your existence.

But for these two benefits, why would any business invest in SEO? You might be thinking this, correct?

Seo is much more than that. It brings traffic to your website, generates revenue for the business, and builds trust among first-time visitors.

Next, do you know what local SEO is and its potential benefits to your business? 

In this blog, we will learn about the terms SEO and local SEO, gain insights into SEO vs. local SEO, their benefits, and which is more suitable for your business.

To get your business SEO optimized from top search engine optimization service providers, we've got you covered! Keep reading to know the checklist that must be adopted to reap maximum benefits from SEO and local SEO.

What is SEO?

SEO or national SEO refers to optimizing a website to improve its visibility and rankings in search engine results, particularly on platforms like Google. 

The national seo aims to reach companies globally as compared to local SEO. They are perfect for businesses that ship their product or services to PAN India because they have a broader target audience and target various keywords.

E.g. Amazon and Alibaba, the most famous e-commerce retailers globally, must tailor their keywords and optimization strategies based on different regions' specific needs and preferences. They must consider the variations in search queries and user behavior between countries like the USA and India.

Also Read: The Top SEO Trends You Need to Know in 2023

What is local SEO?

On the other hand, local SEO aims to target the city or state where a business operates. It is beneficial for small business owners who want to increase their visibility in search results for customers looking to shop what they offer or services they avail.

Their keywords and target audience are limited to the city where they operate their business.

For e.g., Any famous street food vendor in your city will easily appear in your search results when you search for his business name in Google.

Nowadays, it has become easier for businesses to provide crucial information such as their address and working hours because of the GMB facility. This platform allows business owners to register and showcase their presence to potential customers.

If you haven't registered your business on GMB,

It's time to register your business with the help of Microloop IT Solutions,  the best search engine optimization provider in Australia.

Checklist for SEO and Local SEO

Whether targeting customers locally or globally, the ultimate goal is optimizing your website for better search engine visibility. Before you start working on it, let's prepare a checklist to ensure you cover every essential element and maximize your online presence.

Let's dive deep into the checklist for SEO and local success!

Improve your local SEO by:

  • Updating company location and address on your websites contact page
  • Listing organization city and address to contact page
  • Add working hours, relevant maps, and a phone number so first-time visitors can contact you.
  • Registering your business with GMB to enhance your local visibility. 
  • Ensuring that your information is consistent across all platform
  • Lastly, remember to create social media profiles for your business to expand your presence.

Improve your SEO by:

  • Ensure that people can navigate your website easily, allowing visitors to find information quickly.
  • Building a mobile-friendly website that provides an optimal user experience on various devices.
  • Optimizing your website based on top-ranking keywords relevant to your industry and target audience.
  • Increasing traffic to your page by incorporating interlinking with other well-established websites

Let's explore the bases on which they both actually differ:

Two strategies stand out when optimizing your website for search engines: SEO and local SEO. While both approaches' ultimate goal is to increase sales, their focus and target audience differ. Below, we will study SEO vs. local SEO.

Let's start exploring and helping you reach your specific marketing goals.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

On-page Optimization

To optimize your website through SEO, you must ensure that every page from the home page to the contact us page should be updated with relevant metatags, headings, and content with relevant keywords matching user search queries.

Off-page Optimization

The backstage of a website needs to be strong by creating backlinks or external links from well-known sources. This improves the website's authority and reputation. Moreover, link building, social media, and blogging are crucial components of any website.

This helps you get more clicks, increase no. of visits, and grow followers on social media pages.

Technical Optimization

Search engine ranking involves more than just on and off-page optimization. It also includes technical factors such as website speed, mobile responsiveness, URL structure, and other technical aspects influencing search engine rankings. These optimizations help search engines effectively crawl your website and rank your website.

By implementing these measures, you can decrease the bounce rate and encourage users to navigate your site, leading to increased conversions and sales.

User experience 

Make sure that users bounce rate is decreased and they are able to navigate easily through each page. Remember, if your site lacks the positive user experience they will easily switch to your competitors page.

There are 3 aspects in user experience which you need to focus:

1. Information

Every website requires well-crafted and optimized content. But remember, it is equally important to research to determine the type of content that will be valuable and educational for users. Also, keep in mind to avoid unnecessary content stuffing and instead focus on using visuals where appropriate.

2. Interaction

This feature helps you with interactive elements such as buttons, interfaces, and menus that can capture the user's attention and encourage them to interact with your website. It will increase the chances of users returning to your website, potentially leading to conversions and making a purchase or learning more about your website.

3. Visual design

People are often attracted to visually appealing designs more than the content written on their screens. Your website's overall look and feel matter the most in creating a positive user experience. When designing a website for your brand, carefully consider elements such as creating a website colour, typography, images, and banners. So, next time you plan to design a website for your brand, think of visuals that grab users' attention.

Local SEO

Local keywords targeting

Imagine you have a local shop in your city and want to increase awareness among the local audience. What will you do? Adopt the traditional method, like distributing the brochures or  offering discounts in the initial days; here's what you should do: 

Build a website

Start building a website using platforms like Shopify or WordPress. Ensure the website content includes keywords specific to your local areas, such as city name, neighborhood name, or any other location.

Google my business (GMB)

The next step is to list your business on Google. Why?

This platform helps local audiences easily reach you by providing your address, phone number, website, and contact number. Furthermore, make sure to provide correct information and update it whenever required.

Online reviews and ratings

What's next? Once you have a Google account, keep track of and encourage reviews on the platform. Motivate your target audience to give reviews by offering incentives like  "Give us a review and get a free drink with your meal."  This way, it will be a win-win situation for both parties as it will not only build trust but also increase your shop's footfalls, ultimately improving your ranking and becoming a top recommendation for people.

Local citations

It's not over yet!

You now need to get your business or local shop listed on the website or business of others that focus on local businesses or industry-specific directories. 

E.g. - If there is a local page listing the best restaurants in the city, you can secure a spot based on the positive Google reviews from your customers. 

Isn't everything connected?

Your next question is about managing marketing, accounts, promotion, logistics, and other activities simultaneously. That's where Microloop IT Solutions, Australia, has got you covered! With our expertise and skilled team, we provide search engine optimization services to take your business to the next level. Well, we will help you improve your ranking and ensure your business appears in the search results of your target audience.

Key Takeaways

We hope you know have got a clear understanding by going through a blog on SEO vs. Local SEO.

We learnt about the terms and how they actually differ from each other. Additionally, we explored a checklist highlighting crucial areas to focus on in order to improve your SEO and rank on the first page, whether it's for local SEO or SEO.

Lastly, we examined the various bases that illustrate the differences between SEO and local SEO, providing valuable insights into their unique characteristics.