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7 Ways to Boost your E-commerce Website Visibility with SEO 

Do you want to boost your e-commerce store's traffic and improve rankings?

There is only one solution for your problem: "Microloop IT Solution in Australia has the best SEO e-commerce plan for your business. SEO for e-commerce websites plays a vital role for those marketers who want to rank on the first page and attract more traffic.

To fetch good results from SEO for your e-commerce store, not only does a well-designed website matter, but relevant content also matters the most as it increases your store's visibility and drives traffic to the website. 

To support the above statement, according to backlink(backlinko.com/hub/content/10x), SEO for ecommerce websites is incomplete without including 10X times unique content in it.

What is SEO for E-commerce?

SEO for E-commerce means creating a website that's well-designed, optimized, high-quality content and easier to get leads and conversion.

However, it would be best to learn how SEO for e-commerce websites is more than designing or writing relevant content. 

It also includes learning how search engines work and reward your business, such as optimizing page titles and descriptions, using relevant keywords, and building high-quality backlinks.

Why does SEO for E-commerce matter?

According to a survey by HubSpot, over 60% of marketers identified SEO as their top inbound marketing priority for 2021, demonstrating the increasing importance of SEO for e-commerce businesses.

SEO for E-commerce stores has gained immense popularity in the last few years; let's explore what crucial role it plays in your business:

  • Increases the familiarity of your brand among consumers.
  • Traffic to your website indirectly increases the chances of a rise in sales.
  • Its impact lasts longer and also helps achieve other goals of the business.

Whether you have an existing e-commerce store or want to create one, bookmark this checklist for optimizing your online business.

Here's an SEO e-commerce checklist before you dive in

1 Keyword research for e commerce

2 Optimization improves ranking on e-commerce store

  • Optimizing product descriptions
  • Optimizing images
  • Include product reviews

3 URL optimization for e-commerce

  • Guest posting 
  • Broken link building
  • Connecting with influencers

4 Adding a sitemap for e-commerce website

5 Ensuring a user-friendly e-commerce website

  • Avoid cluttered Home Page
  • Improve loading time
  • Optimize call to action text and buttons
  • URL structure 
  • Mobile responsiveness

6 Optimizing  e-commerce page speed 

  • Compressing Images
  • Clean your code
  • Implement a CDN

7 Site design

Let's understand the best SEO practices and strategies for our e-commerce websites to maximize your goals.

1) Keyword research for e commerce

The most crucial part of SEO for e-commerce websites is finding the business's relevant keywords.

This fetches you several benefits, such as providing insights into current market trends and generating more traffic and sales from the website.

 If you don't do E-commerce keyword research properly, it will either target keywords that are difficult to rank, or you will rank keywords that don't generate sales for the business.

Certain tools such as Google keyword planner, Amazon Keyword tool, Ubersuggest, and Keywordtool.in that help you determine the search volume and know which keywords to use according to buyer intent.

2) Optimization improves ranking on e-commerce store

Optimization plays a crucial role while planning SEO for e-commerce websites as it helps convert your visitors into potential customers. For every retailer, irrespective of its online or offline presence, what matters to them is customer reviews, product descriptions, and images of its product that make it easier for the buyer to make their purchase decision.

To optimize ecommerce SEO for your business, start with:

  • Optimizing product descriptions 

Product pages are crucial from the perspective of content as they catch the buyer's and  Google's attention to rank your site.

Here's a checklist to maximize the impact of your product description:

  1. Create more enticing CTA
  2. Upload trusted testimonials
  3. Include detailed keywords
  • Optimizing images 

Visuals are important as part of e-commerce SEO strategy as they catch the attention of buyers. Remember, to upload high quality images, use relevant keywords in your image file names and keep images as small as possible.

  • Include product reviews 

It helps your new customers gain trust in your company by reading the experience of your existing customers. This will help you improve your search engine ranking and increase your sales.

3) URL optimization for E-commerce 

Do you know what's important for Google while analyzing e-commerce stores for SEO purposes?

Its content and the links used. We have already talked about content in the intro part, now let’s talk about the relevant links to be used.

   3 tips to build relevant links for e-commerce website:

  • Guest posting

The method of writing blogs or articles on someone else's website to regenerate traffic back to your website.

  • Broken link building

Sometimes, a few links do not land you on respective pages because their links have glitches. So, you can build the broken link; it will notify Google that it has a new page on the website and drive traffic to the page.

  • Connecting with influencers 

One of the trending link-building approaches where instead of asking you ask YouTubers or influencers to put your website link on their pages.

Isn't it magic?

But remember, it takes time and will not fetch you instant results.

4) Adding a sitemap on e-commerce website

To define a sitemap in layman's terms, it's a directory of all the pages on your website. It's an essential part of SEO strategy because search engines use them to crawl your website efficiently. Remember to provide a URL to your sitemap because it becomes easier for Google and other search engines to find it.

Optimizing SEO for e - commerce websites through a sitemap helps grab potential buyers and make it easier for them to access your latest products and services.

5) Ensuring a user-friendly e-commerce website

E-commerce websites must always aim to provide a smooth user experience. To improvise SEO for E commerce websites to generate fruitful results from UX, start keeping in mind the following:

  • Avoid cluttered Home Page

The Homepage is your website's face; ensure it has the information that keeps users   interested.

  • Improve loading time

You should always focus on minimizing the load time. A website has about 8 seconds to capture the attention of the user.

  • Optimize call to action text and buttons 

Use positive CTA's such as Add to cart, shop now with attractive colour that makes the user urge to click on them.

  • URL structure 

Create SEO-friendly URLs for websites that can lead you to the Homepage from any other section of the page.

  • Mobile responsiveness

Make sure the E-commerce website is mobile-friendly because 80% of users leave a website if it doesn't load within 5 seconds.

6) Optimizing  e-commerce page speed 

 Page speed refers to how long it takes to load when someone visits any page on your website. According to Hubspot, if it takes 5 seconds to load, the bounce rate probability rises by 90%. Here are a few ways to improve it by:

  • Compressing Images 

For every e-commerce website, you can increase the page speed by compressing it to the maximum extent possible. If your site runs on WordPress, go for the plugin WP Smush as it reduces the size of your upto 14.2%.

  • Clean your code 

There are HTML, CSS and Javascript and many other code pages from which you need to remove unnecessary or redundant data using temporary variables, function names, etc. Make sure you clean them and optimize your page loading time.

  • Implement a CDN 

 The term CDN stands for Content Delivery Network (CDN), with the help of which you can boost page speed by filtering where your visitors are physically located and serving them with the resources such as images, videos and much more from a server close to their physical location.

7) Ensuring a user-friendly e-commerce website

SEO website design is the process of designing and developing a website optimized for search engines and users.

It is said that a wireframe or structure is very important for a website as it allows the users to navigate through it without getting lost. 

Every SEO strategy keeps the site's design in such a way that the user can identify pages and relationships between multiple pages. 

Always keep 2 rules in mind for an E-commerce SEO website:

  • Make sure things are simple and scalable
  • Keeping every page 3 clicks away from the Homepage

To wrap up

We hope you now have a perfect roadmap to take your business to the next level with the help of a proper e-commerce strategy that will help you rank and attract traffic to your website.

If you want to avail the best SEO strategy for your e-commerce store, in that case, you're not alone; take assistance from the Microloop IT solution team because they deliver the best e-commerce SEO services in Australia by:

  • Conducting market research,
  • Doing audits and strategizing plans,
  • Study, implement, and prepare a report for the same.